Friday, February 11, 2011

Good Morning Daddy

When Holden woke up last night at 5am it must have been right in the middle of my REM sleep, because, even though I was conscious enough to change his diaper and nurse him back to sleep the whole idea of putting his feet back into the right leg holes of his pjs and zipping them up was out of the realm of my functionability. 

So, I layed him down wearing his footy pajamas. They now fit over him like a robe with only his arms in tact. I covered him up to stay warm, said "nighty night" and closed the door. 

At 7:15 a very familiar cry resounded on the baby monitor but it wasn't an "I'm awake come and get me now kind of cry" -- more of a "hmm.. I am awake, but that's okay, no need to hurry" kind of cry. So, I didn't. In fact I fell back asleep for another 5 minutes before I heard another sound. I rechecked the video screen of the monitor and found Holden sitting up playing with his dinosaur. It was such a sweet sight to see him so content being by himself (because it is a rare sighting) that I showed Jonathon and we both gave a big smile before I turned the monitor back over so I could close my eyes one more time.

Fast forward 20 minutes and another cry. This time I asked Jonathon to go get him because he had waited long enough and I was sure he wasn't falling back asleep. My heart was so happy. Thinking of little Holden just sitting there with his dinosaur that he knew said "rroooarr." Love. 

Jonathon picked him up out of his crib and grabbed a diaper before heading back into our room to change him. 

"Where are the wipes? I think he pooped." I heard as he came closer to our room. I reached down to grab them when I heard "HOLDEN! No Bubba!"

Holden might have been playing with his dinosaur during the first 2 minutes, but for the next 20 to 30 he had been entertaining himself with "homemade playdough." You see.. the Holden Factor recently discovered that he could take his own diaper off, which is precisely what he did this morning and then painted his bed with the contents. 

Since he hadn't noticed the missing diaper when he picked him up because his bum was covered with his draped pjs, Jonathon's bare chest was now the same shade of brown as Holden's legs. 

"Good Morning Daddy!" - Love the Holden Factor


  1. Lol! I bet you're thankful that you asked Jonothon to get Holden that particular time :) I'm loving your blog so far!! Keep up the great writing!

  2. Sorry, I just realized I spelled JonAthon's name wrong :)
